Love ya, Ken! Thanks for so very, very much.
And thank you, friends, for organizing this! What a beautiful labor of love.

Your work has changed my life. I finished reading all of your books about a year ago. As an avid reader, I had been reading your books during my lunches and soaking in your message bit by bit. But suddenly I was without material to read. How could I find other authors, thinkers, philosophers that measured up to your level? I’ve longed for more Wilber material to read. Now I find out that I have so much to look forward to, and that I can provide my support and gratitude to you, and feel connected to you. I anxiously await your next great works. Thank you so much for what you have brought to this world.
Thank you so much Ken. In 2000, I started reading Up From Eden on the bullet train from Hiroshima and didn’t stop till I arrived in Tokyo 5 hours later. My eyes were so sore I could hardly see, but I had been released from Flatland and was about to start exploring Sphereland, with a map! I like my spiritual experiences to make sense. I was a practitioner of evolutionary enlightenment for a few years and am now a zen practitioner. Thanks to your guidance I have a strong sense of what to go deeply into, and what to include and embrace.
THANK YOU for ever Ken. You’ve inspired me in ways only you and me can understand …, and I’m sure many people will say the same regarding your effect on them. You are in my heart, mind and soul all the days of my life, because the wonderful tool for integrating all aspects of life and beyond are of such a trascendence that there will arrive a time when Integral Theory will be the lens through which everything would be analyzed and acted upon ¡¡¡
The Ken Wilber Gratitude Fund provides a way to express our individual and collective thanks to Ken Wilber for all that he has given us. The Fund’s purpose is to: