Yes Ken, I am so glad that I finally, seriously read you (Sex, Ecology, and Spirituality) starting in January, 2005. And then I got on your website, and signed up for your newsletter, and every week would get an interview you had done with people I found really interesting. And then I continued to read your stuff, both more of SES, including all those great footnotes, and everything else I could get my hands on. ( Some of my favourites: Grace and Grit, One Taste, SES again and again, and the one on science and religion, The Marriage of Sense and Soul. ) So, those have really helped with GROW-ing up. What has been much harder for me is the WAKE-ing up side. But recently, April 14, 2021, I (again, finally) began regular atttendance at Daniel P. Brown’s twice- monthly Meditation Improv zoom sessions. And then, about a week ago, I was diagnosed with “late-stage, but not terminal” prostate and bone cancer. So, perhaps that will help to “concentrate my mind wonderfully” in this “second half” of my life!
Much love, from Gary William Wall, Toronto, Canada