Dear Ken,
there have been three people in my life who have given me what I have yearned for for as long as I can remember: meaning. There is His Holiness the Dalai Lama/my teacher Ven. Thupten Rinpoche for the Buddhist way of looking at life; my father who inspired me to keep learning and seeking answers – and who first found you and introduced your thinking to me – and then of course you. I read Sex, Ecology and Spirituality around my 30th birthday (while on holiday in Tonga) and it was a page-turner for me. I felt like I was dying of thirst and this was water and I couldn’t gulp it down quick enough. I wanted to know more and more and more, quenching this thirst for meaning. That was 20 years ago and I am still at it, not so much gulping it down but more sipping and tasting and appreciating. Your book about Spirituality of Tomorrow using Buddhism brought the my two strands of meaning together. I’m so grateful I can’t actually put it into words – maybe you read this, maybe not, but I hope the morphic fields that connect us all somehow allow you to feel my gratitude. I feel I can actually understand life because I was blessed to have found you and that has saved me. So thank you, thank you, thank you for being, for writing, for teaching, for inspiring – even down here at the bottom of the world in far away New Zealand.