Dear Ken ~ what a great way to say Thank you! for the extraordinary work you have done in visioning, articulating and anchoring the Integral Vision for so many of us in the world and for future generations! As with so many, I don’t think it’s a stretch to say that your work inspired so many and in my own case, perhaps even saved my life, in the midst of so much confusion, the integral lens became a way to illuminate my path into a more complete and meaningful way of seeing and relating to the world at large. This is an honor and a privilege to support your work going forward. In deep and profound gratitude ~ as big heart, big mind and integrated free-functioning mind, I bow to you, radiating the heart intelligence of the kosmos through gross, subtle and causal heart portals. Perhaps our paths will meet again soon…in the meantime, keep bringing your unique gifts and insights and embodied enlightenment into our world!